How to increase chances of IPO allotment?
IPO or you can say पच्चीस दिन में पैसा डबल ;)
Everyone who applies for IPO will always desire to get an IPO allotment but very few get the allotment. Those who are getting the allotment are either lucky or applying smartly.
Let's consider you are not the lucky one.
Now you have to apply smartly so how do you apply smartly to increase the chances of the IPO allotment?
Below are some effective ways which will help you increase the chances of allotment:
1. Apply for a single lot- I have seen many investors apply for multiple lots to get the allotment but it is not the proper way because In the case of oversubscription an investor doesn't get more than one lot.
It's always better to apply for a single lot rather than applying for multiple lots.
2. Apply from multiple accounts- This is another effective way to increase the chances. If you have Demat accounts of your family members or friends then try applying from that accounts also.
Connecting with the first point instead of applying for multiple lots from a single account, apply a single lot from multiple accounts.
3. Cut-off price- While applying you get a price band, for example, 405-425. It's always advisable to apply at the cut-off price which means the higher price so in the example 425 will be the cut-off price.
The preference is always given to the cut-off price hence you should tick the higher price in the price band.
4. Apply on time- When I was working for Zerodha I used to get client's who were always late while applying for an IPO.
On the last day, anything can happen like server issues, mandate issues in case you're applying via the UPI method and for ASBA, banks only provide facilities till a particular time on the last day for example 2 pm or 3 pm.
Apply in the first two days rather than waiting for the last day.
You can follow these ways while applying for the next time ;)
See y'all in the next blog, Cheers!
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